{% set content %}
{% include '@bolt-components-headline/headline.twig' with {
text: 'Engage with empathy. Adapt instantly.',
tag: 'h1',
size: 'xxxlarge',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-components-headline/subheadline.twig' with {
text: 'Keeping pace with a changing market doesn’t have to be complicated. With Pega, you can hyper-personalize every interaction to stay timely and relevant – no matter what happens next.',
tag: 'h2',
size: 'xlarge',
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-components-list/list.twig' with {
display: 'inline',
align: 'center',
separator: 'solid',
items: [
} only %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-button/button.twig' with {
content: 'Watch it come to life',
attributes: {
href: '#!',
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set layout_items %}
{% include '@bolt-layouts-layout/layout-item.twig' with {
content: content,
attributes: {
class: 'u-bolt-text-align-center'
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% set background %}
{% include '@bolt-elements-image/image.twig' with {
background: true,
attributes: {
alt: 'Image alt text',
src: '/images/heros/live-assets/pega-ES-header-bg-1-max-value.jpg',
loading: 'eager',
width: '100vw'
} only %}
{% endset %}
{% include '@bolt-layouts-layout/layout.twig' with {
content: layout_items,
padding_top: 'large',
padding_bottom: 'large',
background: background,
align_items: 'center',
template: [
attributes: {
class: 't-bolt-gray-xlight'
} only %}